End the Pandemic Treaty and the WHO’s reign of terror

End the Pandemic Treaty and the WHO’s

As independent candidate for president, my heart is filled with an uneasy mixture of sorrow and disgust when I see the response, or complete absence of response, from my fellow candidates for president, and other political figures and public intellectuals, to the furtive “approval” of the Pandemic Treaty and the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments to it. The Pandemic Treaty and its IHR amendments supposedly approved in the dark of night on June 2, 2024 by faceless agents of global finance reveal in spades a complete contempt for the rights of citizens, the rule of law, science, reason, and transparency in governance and policy.

All this took place before politicians cowed by an assassination attempt on one major figure opposed to this criminal seizure of government authority, and threats against many others. This approach to governance is good old fascism, plain and simple, original recipe, intended to frighten the rest of the cowards and quislings who masquerade as politicians, and it was accompanied by disinformation campaign in the mainstream and “alternative media” intended to convince us the treaty had failed so we could be duped completely.

The core of the Pandemic treaty is a massive allocation of public funds to multinational pharmaceutical corporations that will allow them to make sure that there is not a corner of the Earth that is not producing mRNA “vaccines” so as to poison the citizens of the Earth and make them pay, or us pay, for the poison. The “pandemic emergencies” that the WHO is empowered to declare can be made at the will of the billionaires, using classified directives or documents protected by non-disclosure status.

In article one, the treaty presents an ominous list of bioweapons that will be produced which are innocuously labelled as:

Medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, personal protective equipment, decontamination products, assistive products, antidotes, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies.”

The treaty, approved by the puppets of global finance reporting to billionaires, allows WHO’s dictator-by-decree “Director General” to declare medical emergencies without any scientific basis, without a transparent deliberative democratic process, without accountability, and without any means for the citizens to end the emergency once it has been declared. We are left at the mercy of the whims of a tiny group of super-rich families who control this false “global government.”

What should we will do?

The flaccid and cowardly politicians, bureaucrats and public intellectuals, who toss around stale flimflam on the orders of their puppeteers behind the curtains, are a disgrace, but more importantly they are taking actions that are criminal at the international, national, and local levels, and that violate all common moral codes and natural law in an intentionally blatant and contemptuous manner.

Sadly, it is only a handful of public figures, who often they are precisely those who want to lock up more people in prisons, to take away basic constitutional rights, to promote Christian Zionism and war with China, and to replace government with private enterprises that respond to the “market,” rightfully condemn the actions of the World Health Organization, and they call for the United States, or states in the United States, to pull out of this organization.

Such a response, however, is woefully insufficient, and even counterproductive.

We must demand that this reign of terror be ended and that will not be achieved by merely calling for a withdrawal from the WHO, or opposition to its policies.

First, the World Health Organization must be declared, by citizens, groups, and eventually international organizations, to be a terrorist organization and a criminal syndicate that has been engaged in acts of war against the citizens of the world over the last five years. That means that those who serve in positions of responsibility must be arrested (by citizens if necessary), that all internal records must seized and made public. The relationship of the WHO, and its members, with multinational corporations, multinational banks and private equity firms, the strategic teams of billionaires and their foundations and trusts, and with private and national intelligence and defense institutions must be made public without exception.

The level of criminality demands that all classified documents must be made public, all nondisclosure agreements made void, all secret treaties and legal contracts with nation states made public, and all efforts to mislead the public through media campaigns must be revealed.

That means that criminal responsibility for the hundreds of millions killed or injured by the actions of the WHO and government working under its criminal guidelines must extend beyond bureaucrats and politicians to include the corporations involved in planning and implementing the campaign, the financial institutions who planned and financed the effort, and the billionaires hiding behind trusts and funds who were ultimately responsible for this unprecedented criminal attack on the citizens of the United States and the world. When money is spent for the compensation of those injured and killed, for the long-term treatment of those injured by “vaccines,” dangerous medical treatments, masks, lockdowns and other criminal efforts, that money will come from the funds seized from billionaires, and not from the tax dollars paid for by working citizens.

I am sure that when this reckoning is complete, there will not be many billionaires and trillionaires left—for verily, every one of them has blood on his or her hands.

Working citizens contribute to the economy; billionaires of the stone age, hiding behind the beast of Wall Street Blackrock, or the destroyer of mainstream Black Stone, must be criminally charged and their assets seized.

I dare the other so-called candidates for president to join me in this call for justice. Or, if they lack the bravery or the moral clarity, to do so, I call on them to simply drop out of this critical election right now, today!

Thank you, honorable citizens of the United States of America. The truth goes marching on and the truth will set you free.

Emanuel Pastreich

Independent Candidate for President

June 3, 2024

For a more detailed survey of the carnage, please see:

Tess Lawrie and James Roguski

Dr Tess Lawrie: IHR amendments were approved last night at the World Health Assembly, June 2, 2024 (odysee.com)

And James Roguski’s thoughtful essay “Courage is the Cure”

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