ABout us

The Center for Truth Politics is dedicated to creating a new political culture in the United States that is founded on scientific and moral truth and that rejects unconditionally the politics of indulgence, falsehood, narcissism and distraction which undergirds the current reign of the plutocrats. We welcome all citizens who are dedicated to creating a healthy society, reestablishing a transparent and accountable government, upholding the rule of law, and valuing basic ethics as the basis for human relations to join us. We will help you to find your direction, to focus your argument, to build a powerful independent political movement, and to run for public office.

Until we restore a discourse in politics that is honest and we reestablish a government that holds up an ideal, and implements that ideal concretely, all promises made by politicians, whether they call themselves “conservative” or “progressive,” will not mean much.

We have redoubled our efforts after the corrupt and invalid 2024 election, stepping forward with even more determination, facing down the drive of the powerful to control and modify our bodies through injections and pills, confronting the destruction of our economy by the printing up of money for multinational corporations by the Federal Reserve, responding to the poisoning of our environment with deadly chemicals and emissions, and investigating every and all false flag attack on the United States. We must stop this rule by unaccountable privatized military and security forces that threatens to launch a civil war and a world war simultaneously.

Please do join us , while you still can make your own decisions without the permission of Siri or Bixby, while you can still get reliable information without having to identify which squares have boats or bicycles on them.

We stand for ordinary people like you, people who have had enough of watching the United States occupied by global financial interests that hide behind progressive or conservative masks while dishing out destruction with the ruthlessness of a serial killer, seizing control of local government using IT multinationals and privatized police and intelligence services.

We know that these people will never give up the loot; they have to be taken down. We promise that they will be taken down, one criminal at a time.

Our Constitution empowers you, and the elected officials chosen by you—and reporting to you. The Constitution does not include a single word about corporations, IT firms, private equity, billionaires, or the Democratic and Republican parties.

If we listen to the words of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or the words and deeds of George Washington, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Abraham Lincoln, Eugene Debs, Franklin D. Roosevelt, or John F. Kennedy, we will uncover the ethical foundations for good governance in the United States which have been buried in a shallow grave by public relations firms, lobbyists, journalists, and legions of self-appointed experts.

The Declaration of Independence states:

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

You will not find such leadership anywhere in the US Congress, or anywhere in the White House. The gangrene of the soul has gone to the bone in Washington D.C.  But Green Liberty’s Center for Political Truth offers precisely such leadership and will support you as you become such a leader for your friends and family.

We must rebuild from the ground up, with faith and with determination to do what is right, with humility, righteousness, frugality, and charity. 

Together, we can move away from the deadly culture of consumption, extraction, and endless war that has infected the nation like a horrific virus. 

Introducing the Director

Emanuel Pastreich began his work as director of the Center for Truth Politics at Green Liberty immediately following the cowardly acceptance of the fraudlent results of the 2024 presidential election by essentially all major figures in American politics. He declared that neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris, both having actively engaged deeply in state crimes and having accepted explicit bribes from wealthy donors in blatant violation of the Constitution, and federal law, are qualified to serve as president.

Emanuel had run for president as an independent from February, 2020 until November, 2004. He was forced to leave the United States in 2020 because of his effectiveness in opposing the Covid-19 regime. He continued his campaign from South Korea, however, writing a series of powerful speeches and policy proposals which were broadly read (at Global Research and elsewhere) and some of which became the core of his book “I Shall Fear No Evil” (Book Baby Press).

Pastreich was one of two candidates for president in the Green Party US in September, 2023, along with Cornel West. When the Green Party US refused to include him in any of their activities, or to formally present him in their press releases as a candidate, in violation of the party’s own bylaws, even after Pastreich gained as much support at Cornel West had, Pastreich left the Green Party to run as an independent. Cornel West also left the Green Party five days after Pastreich, citing a similar repressive political environment.

Pastreich began his career as professor of Asian culture and is one of few intellectuals in the United States who is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. He started teaching as an assistant professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1998. The reign of terror after the Bush Regime seized power in February 2001, however, led to a long period of overt political persecution of Pastreich within the United States because of his open criticism of totalitarian rule and state crimes. Pastreich wrote substantial and carefully crafted articles on international relations, security, technology, economics and culture in the United States, and in Asia, thereafter.

Ultimately, Pastreich was forced to work at the Korean Embassy in Washington DC from 2005 because he was blocked from working at American institutions by Homeland Security directives. After a long effort to find employment, he was forced to move to Korea in 2007 where he founded the Asia Institute, a think tank dedicated to a constructive and scientific approach to long-term relations between the United States and East Asia.

Pastreich returned to the United States to continue his political activities from 2019, and then again with broader support as a candidate running for president in the Green Party in 2023. He currently resides in West Tisbury, Massachusetts.

Pastreich made up his mind early on in his career that because Asia was bound to become central in the international community, and in the American economy, it would be critical for the next generation of Americans to understand Asia accurately, and to be able to engage with Asians with the same level of sophistication as Asians engage with us.

Because he spent part of his career studying, and teaching, in Japan and Korea Pastreich understands Asia in a sense that no other political figure in the United States does and has demonstrated real leadership in formulating a meaningful American response to the new economic and political realities of Asia.

Pastreich recognized immediately in January of 2020 that the shutdown of the Federal government under the military-corporate-financial COVID-19 operation had ushered in a new level of institutional collapse in the United States that demanded action, not complaints or distractions. 

It was clear for Pastreich that the decayed political system that cripples the United States was incapable of addressing any of the serious challenges facing the United States: climate change and the collapse of biodiversity, the concentration of wealth, the global arms race for profit, the seizure of the banking system by the billionaires, or the use of technology to dumb down and manipulate citizens.

Pastreich stated,

“Without exception, the politicians still allowed to hold public office after the post 9/11 purges were categorically incapable of even mentioning these problems. The politicians in Washington, without exception, followed orders from the corporations and banks that funded them, and only repeated empty rituals or recited magic incantations. They lacked the bravery and the tenacity required to respond to the fundemental civilizational and moral crisis that faces the United States. To be truthful, most of them, accustomed to flattering wealthy donors and corporate representatives, wrapped in denial of economic and social reality, were entirely incapable of conceiving of the true nature of the start of totalitarian rule in 2020.”

Pastreich declared himself a candidate for president in 2020 because he knew that neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Biden, or any of the cowardly and dishonest third-party candidates, could become a legitimately-elected president with either the moral or the institutional authority necessary to lead. None of them could take on the Covid-19 operation directly, let alone other state crimes.

Pastreich determined that unless citizens worked outside of the corrupt political system they could not achieve any meaningful change. His conclusion was that only an independent candidate would be capable of moving the country in a healthy direction.

He called out to citizens, saying that they must demand that the government and the political system follow the import and the literal content, of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the two texts that determine what the government is, and what it is not. He also denounced the flimsy excuses and misleading explanations that were fed to citizens by the New York Times, Fox News, so-called alternative media, or either of the two corporate parties.

No matter how the political consultants, the lobbyists, and the operators in the two political parties ignored Pastreich, Green LIberty and the Center for Political Truth, now matter how many roadblocks the laid using classified Homeland Security budgets for anti-disinformation, the fundemental reality is that truth is bulletproof, and the Constitution, the core document that defines the United States, clearly recognizes the authority of the citizen, and the full legitimacy of Green Liberty to call out state crimes as the primary effort in politics.

The Center for Political Truth at Green liberty is the vanguard for something for something far bigger than a political campaign. We will help you to be a leader in a powerful movement that will become the equivalent to the anti-slavery movement of the 1850s. We will not compromise in any sense with the parasites who try to control our economy and our culture through their puppets and pets.

Green Liberty members have continued to meet with ordinary people, the working poor, teachers and restaurant employees, drivers and factory workers.

We can represent their interests best in part because we do not use money as a standard for judging political success.

The established powers have erected high walls in Washington D.C. to make sure that no political movement like Green Liberty will ever be covered in the media, will ever be invited to events, will ever be recognized as existing.

We know too well that even the so-called “alternative media” does not want to hear what we have to say about the tens of trillions that was stolen from us by global finance over the last decade, about the true nature of the 9/11 incident, or about the deadly implications of the collapse of biodiversity, and the spread of microplastics, and other chemical compounds in our water, soil, and air.

Pundits and politicians, calling themselves progressive or conservative, fight with each other for the honor of offering up an unholy sacrifice to the filthy idol known as the corporate media. They dumb down their words, avoid taboo topics, and then bend over backwards to please those who matter to Wall Street.

Let us pursue truth and justice—without fear, favor, or prejudice.

Our campaign, our movement, demands that everything should change in the sense that John Brown demanded that everything change when he and his followers put forth a “Provisional Constitution and Ordinances” in 1859, declaring that slavery was criminal by its very nature, a war against the citizens of the nation.

The billionaires and their corporations are turning you into slaves—there can be no doubt about it. Green Liberty, starting with the Center for Truth Politics, will lead the fight.

As Frederick Douglass wrote so eloquently,

“Men may not get all they pay for in this world, but they must certainly pay for all they get.”

Nothing, fellow citizens, has changed about human nature since then. Let us focus on the real state of the United States, not the fantasy America shown to us on Facebook.

Let us demand real action. Let us take real action.

We have had enough of pretty words.


Emanuel Pastreich has emerged over the last two decades as the leading voice for long-term planning and ethical priniciples in domestic policy, for reason and thoughtful dialogue in diplomacy, and for science and rationality in security. He advocates for addressing the real social, cultural, economic, technological and environmental dangers that we face at home and abroad, not those cooked up by think tanks and consulting firms who take their orders from private equity.

Pastreich set himself apart in the 2020 presidential election as the only candidate focused on the COVID-19 operation, 9/11 truth, the threat of climate and biodiversity collapse, the use of IT, nano and bio technologies to manipulate and destroy human society, the exponential concentration of wealth, the push for enslavement of the citizens by the super-rich, and the for-profit arms race.

Pastreich refused from the start to take money from the rich and powerful, and he was not discouraged that the corrupt media ignored his speeches and policy proposals. He considers the truth to be the most powerful weapon in our arsenal, one that must be expressed through a nation-wide movement—and not distorted by a corrupt political party, or a public intellectual, who is promoted by dark forces behind the curtains.

Pastreich demands that trillions given to multinational banks and corporations over the last ten years by the Federal Reserve be returned, that conglomerates like Amazon and Facebook be run as regulated cooperatives, and that the assets of fossil fuel corporations, and the pharmaceutical firms involved in the Covid-19 scam, be seized immediately–and their owners and administrators charged for the criminal action of presenting fraudulent information to the government and to the people concerning the catastrophic damage resulting from their products.

Born in Nashville, Tennessee, raised in Saint Louis, Missouri, Pastreich attended Lowell High School in San Francisco. He graduated from Yale College in 1987 in the major of Chinese literature and spent a year at National Taiwan University. His obtained his master’s degree from University of Tokyo and his Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations  from Harvard University.

Pastreich started his career at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign as an assistant professor of Asian studies. He argued that Americans must have a sophisticated understanding of Asia in order to respond to the challenges of the 21st century.

He currently serves as director of the Center for Political Truth at Green Liberty, the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank focused on diplomacy, security and technology with offices in Washington D.C., Seoul, and Tokyo, and as visiting scholar at Yale University’s Council on East Asian Studies. He is the only American politician who is fluent in Japanese, Korean and Chinese.