9.11 X 23 = speechlessness
Emanuel Pastreich

I am left without words on the twenty-third anniversary of the 9.11 incident. I have already written so many speeches on this day over the last decade, and articles before then, that I have come to loath this loathsome day. But this day of reckoning still comes around anyway, as the Earth circles the Sun, and does so without respect for our fantasies and delusions, so as to remind us that we live in a dream, surrounded by zombified friends and family, coworkers and classmates. We who prefer truth must work constantly with those who would rather cling to pleasant sounding fictions than face the truth.

On September 11, 2001, I honestly did not believe the fraud could drag on this long. And still, for all the burdens we drag, we still crawl forward (or is it backward?) as a nation, as a civilization.
But there is a terrible price to be paid for allowing a parasite class of criminals to remain in power, for looking the other way as those who stood for justice and truth are punished and those who stood for hypocrisy and treason are lauded and promoted.
The culture of the United States was permanently poisoned in by the ashes left from the twin towers. Our best universities are but brand names today used to cover up criminality. Our justice department has become a weapon for rent to the highest bidder, and our military is a tool for money laundering and a weapon for mercenary actions to pursue profits for multinational banks.

Of course, the nightmare did not start with 9.11, but the system came apart at the core on that fateful date. Whereas the United States was followed around by a dark shadow for the last seventy years, and the shadow started to cover over our faces from the time of the Vietnam War, now literally every person in Congress, every person in the Executive, every person on TV, is in on one of the greatest crimes in history. No wonder it was so easy to pull off COVID.
Yes, there are some signs that we are moving a bit closer to truth. At the same time, we must admit that once the truth is out, nothing can be seen in the same light again. That is because 9.11 is not unlike incest. It is a terrible thing that we feel compelled to cover up because to allow this truth out will compromise everyone—many feel that there is no winner in such a culture of shame. So it is better to lie so one can at least enjoy a dinner out, or a vacation in Italy.
And yet, we can see the substantial consequences of 9.11 from the speech of Benjamin Netanyahu to the US Congress on July 25, 2024. Netanyahu was free to give the most fascistic, most militaristic, speech delivered in the history of Congress to over 50 rounds of applause. He could not have given such a speech in Israel, or in any other country. Only the United States is so morally and spiritually crippled as to allow his rampage—no! to sing hymns for his blasphemy.
That weird relationship between the elites in Israel and the United States speaks volumes about the invisible scars of 9.11 in the United States—the all-powerful nation that has lost its soul and become a complete slave at precisely the moment of its absolute domination.
That is precisely what John Quincy Adams wrote about the United States’ possible future if she were embroiled in foreign wars,
“She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.”
That sums up the sad state of the United States, limping with ever greater normalcy toward the apocalypse.